Using AI in cybersecurity

Each and every company is exposed to various types of cyberattacks – whether from an external or internal source. But no matter where the attacks come from, they are a serious threat to a company’s operations, growth, and reputation. At the same time, cybercriminals are developing new strategies and software at an astonishing – and previously unheard of – rate. This poses a challenge that standard antivirus programs cannot meet. So, in comes artificial intelligence (AI) to the rescue.

The global AI market was valued at $27.23 billion in 2019 and is expected to reach $267 billion by 2027 1. In turn, AI in the cybersecurity market will grow from $8.6 billion in 2019 to $101.8 billion in 2030 2.

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Can AI solve cybersecurity challenges?

Partly due to the amount of data stored online and the growth of IoT, cybersecurity currently faces a myriad of challenges, including:

  • Sophistication of the attacks (and attackers)
  • The number of malware types
  • Geographical distance
  • Costs
  • Reactive nature of cybersecurity
  • Human factors (e. g. errors, efficiency)

As technology advances, cyberattacks are becoming more complex. Due to the amount of data and its value, attackers are able to invest more money in their attacks, believing in a high return on invest. At the same time, an increasing number of different malware types are being created, and traditional anti-virus software is (in most cases) only able to respond to threats that have already taken place. Also, due to geographical distances, tracking of attackers is becoming increasingly difficult and expensive.

It’s also revealing that 69% of companies do not believe that the software they use is capable of blocking the threats they face 3.

Using AI in cybersecurity can help solve the aforementioned problems. AI-based antivirus software is able to manage huge amounts of data. Based on this data, it can create threat-models and predict possible and likely attacks. It is also able to detect a threat even before it actually happens. Another of AI’s big advantage is its ability to work 24/7.

AI is also a great ally in the fight against scam and phishing emails.

Limitations of AI in cybersecurity

The idea of using AI in cybersecurity is tempting. Unfortunately, the perfect solution does not exist. Traditional anti-virus software is able to detect around 90% of threats. With AI-based software, this figure rises to 95%. Therefore, the best solution is to combine these two methods 4.

One of the challenges is the high adoption barrier compared to typical anti-viruses. AI-based systems require a large amount of resources (e. g. memory), computer power, or data. Despite this, hackers are also AI-savvy and invest money in developing AI-based systems to steal data.

As mentioned, malware and methods of cyber attacks are evolving rapidly. Even with the implementation of AI in cybersecurity, businesses are not completely immune to threats. Although AI works fine with massive amounts of data, AI-based software requires constant updates, redesigns, and maintenance. Attackers are getting more and more creative in developing new ways to confuse a software.

HyverLight: a solution to address SME’s security threats

ALSO’s top priority is to provide resellers and their customers with a maximum level of security. The HyverLight solution was developed through ALSO’s collaboration with CYE. This top quality and affordable offer is the ideal solution that delivers a clear evaluation of threats in one interface. It also requires no great technical knowledge and is easy to use, without requiring agents or installations.

HyverLight consists of three powerful tools combined into one:

  • Attack Surface Tracker provides insights into all the company’s external assets using passive techniques, so no (or little) information is needed from the customer.
  • Azure Security Tracker is essential for businesses that are moving to the cloud. It tracks the accuracy of Azure security, highlighting what attackers, accessing with low privileges, can exploit from a company.
  • Internet Perimeter Tracker unveils potential entry points that can be used to gain access to a company by a hacker.

Probably the most effective way to protect any business from cyber threats is the Cybersecurity as a Service solution. Continuous access to the most up-to-date antivirus software (including AI-based software), along with support from experienced experts and monitoring of all potential threats, gives businesses the ability to maximise their security with relatively low in-house efforts.

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