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Image of the cover of the annual report

We orchestrate the technology that moves the world

As a provider of complete technology solutions our comprehensive ecosystem includes cloud-based digital platforms and subscription services, and a complete stack of professional IT services and solutions.

Our team consists of 4.000+ diverse and talented individuals providing innovative technology across 30 European and a total of 143 countries worldwide.

Read the Annual Report Open Chart Generator


ALSOs MORE and LESS strategy posters

Our goal: sustainable profitable growth

MORE: Sustainable profitable growth...
LESS: with minimal environmental impact

ALSO stands for growth that is reproducible, scalable and profitable, as well as ethical and responsible towards current and future stakeholders.

More about our strategy


Image of the cover of the Sustainability report

Towards a sustainable IT: ESG at ALSO

Sustainability is at the core of our values and efforts. We believe in responsible corporate management, reducing our environmental impact, and empowering communities. IT can be a driver in each of these aspects. That's why at ALSO, we have developed an ESG-driven strategy that focuses on small changes across many areas, making a significant impact.

Our sustainable engagement

Latest ESG Report


Learn more about the background, expertise, and line of work of the Board of Directors and the Group Management.

Investor relations

Invest in ALSO Holding AG. The excellent track record of the last twelve years speaks for itself. Share our success!

News Center

With our continuous growth and ability to rapidly expand into new markets and technologies, it’s sometimes hard to keep up. Find all the latest news here.

Company blog

Picture of a man reading a blog

As a large and diverse company we have a lot to say about technology, it’s future, the modern workplace, as well as how we’re bringing it all together with our ecosystem of services.


Picture of an ALSO Employee who could be your new college

Are you IT?

As an expanding and dynamic company, new positions and opportunities are opening up all the time and you might be just the right person for the job.

Picture of a woman searching for jobs on the computer

Get in touch

If you feel we should know you, but don’t find a position that’s a direct match, send us your CV anyway. We're looking forward to get to know you.

Image of business people shaking hands after becoming partners

Become an ALSO Partner

Partnership is profitable. With ALSO.

Reseller registration Vendor application