The best tools and techniques for network security.

Network security protects your network and data from breaches, intrusions, and other threats. Here are the network security basics to secure business networks.

Regardless of the vertical industry a company operates in, network safety is essential for any business to ensure the protection of the usability and integrity of the network and data. While there is no network that is fully immune to attacks, the right network security system helps to significantly reduce the risk of a company’s and its customers’ data being leaked.

Attacks can occur at various levels, which is why network security needs three elements of control:

  • Physical: Designed to prevent unauthorised physical access to components, such as routers. It may consist of cameras, fingerprint scanners, etc.
  • Technical: Designed to protect data stored on the network from unauthorised access and/or hacking attacks.
  • Administrative: Consists of rules and security policies that are designed to regulate user behaviour (i.e. how authorisation works, the level of access, etc.)

Network security protects your network and data from breaches, intrusions, and other threats. Here are the network security basics to secure business networks

Network security basics for business networks

If the network is not adequately secured, a company risks not only losing data but trust and reputation in the market in the event of an attack. All the effort a company puts into promoting and generating traffic to a site can suddenly be destroyed if a company fails to properly secure its network. Therefore, it’s important to familiarise yourself with best practices and different types of network security.

There are multiple ways in which companies can secure their network:

  • Firewall Protection: Next Generation Firewalls together with integrated Intrusion Prevention Systems (IPS) block malware and attacks. The protection works based on the rules set by the respective company.
  • Virtual Private Networks (VPN): Encryption is a simple but very effective method of securing corporate data. A VPN works particularly well for companies with employees working remotely. After all, the employer has no influence on the security of the network to which the employee connects (especially if they use a public network, or work from a café, for example).
  • Network Access Control (NAC): NAC provides protection for an organisation’s entire network perimeter (both physical infrastructure and cloud-based systems). What is more, it also blocks attacks even before they become reality.

Simple and effective network security measures

Further to this, to ensure the highest possible network safety, some best practices should also be followed:

  • Back up: Can be seen as an extension of a company’s network security program. In many cases it can serve as a last resort in the event of data loss.
  • Staying compliant: Cybersecurity regulations are changing, leaving many companies behind. Unfortunately, penalties for non-compliance come with high price tags, which is why it’s vital to always stay up to date with cybersecurity laws.
  • Security policy: Speaking of regulations, it’s also worth remembering to establish internal guidelines for company employees. Providing regular trainings on network security is advisable, including instructions on correct behaviour in case of emergencies.
  • Updates: Methods used by hackers are evolving. Software that was great at securing the network yesterday could suddenly be useless today. Regularly updating anti-virus software or security policies can help companies stay on top of cybersecurity.
  • Passwords: Appropriate passwords, password management tools, and two-factor authentication are just some examples of how companies can better secure their networks. Network safety is only as strong as the weakest password.
  • Network security tests: Security experts can gauge the overall state of your network security measures as well as the risks facing your system. A security audit, vulnerability and security scanning can all help to identify risks and offer routes for you to improve network safety and protect your business.

Network security solutions from ALSO

The ALSO Security awareness solution is the ideal tool for companies in any industry. As we mentioned, educating employees is extremely important, but it’s not always done in the most effective way. This is where our solution comes in, as it concentrates on what is most important: people, with a focus on initial countermeasures in the event of a security incident. With six different solution modules, ALSO creates concepts for uniform corporate training with the aim of bringing about a functioning cybersecurity culture.

Another great solution in the ALSO portfolio is Workplace Security, which is designed for all businesses. The essence of the solution is easy implementation and effective management of processes and products, while reducing total costs in the long term. Mail security as well as endpoint and network security are the three pillars and network security basics that should be in place to prevent attacks. To protect organizations against data loss, backup & recovery should be an integral part of an IT disaster recovery plan. By adding the workplace security solution to their portfolio, ALSO partners have the opportunity to show their customers just how reliable their services are.

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