GRI Report 2023
“Next Generation” stands for our commitment to good corporate governance, to taking responsibility for respecting human rights along the supply chain and to reducing our environmental footprint.
By integrating environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG) priorities into our strategies, we’ve not only done good but also outperformed financially.
Our purpose is the improvement of the quality of life for all through technology. Together, we build a future where profitability and responsibility go hand in hand.
What does that mean for us?
- Climate Change
Our sustainability strategy, "LESS," actively addresses climate change through measures like reducing CO₂e emissions and waste management.
- Emissions
We reduce CO₂e emissions and pollutants by optimizing our processes, using intermodal transport systems, and offers to strengthen the circular economy in IT.
- Rare Earth
Our commitment to responsible resources includes reducing the use of rare earth metals through recycling and dialogue with our vendors. - Circular Economy
We contribute to the circular economy by refurbishing electronic equipment for reuse, minimizing waste.
- Human Rights
We support the principles of the UN Global Compact, ensuring respect for human rights across our operations. We also actively engage with our Supply Chain on this topic. Every year we ask our vendors to participate in a survey based on which we evaluate the ESG performance of the company. - Diversity
We value diversity beyond gender equality, appreciating different perspectives, backgrounds, and experiences within our company. - New Normal
We embrace the changes brought by the "New Normal" and support our employees to find a good balance between on-site team work and working from home. - Corporate (Social) Responsibility
Our commitment to corporate responsibility focuses on promoting digital education and improving people's quality of life through technology. - Corporate Citizenship We actively engage with social issues through initiatives such as Oscar, our online platform designed to give children and their families practical support in using digital media.
- Code of Conduct
Our Code of Conduct is setting standards for personal rights, conflicts of interest, secrecy, and the maintenance of our corporate reputation. We also have created a Supplier Code of Conduct, which is discussed with all our vendors. - Corporate Governance
Transparent and responsible corporate governance is ensured through clear rules and separation of personal and corporate interests. - Compliance
Compliance with legal requirements, ethical standards, and internal policies is of upmost importance to us. Training for all employees is mandatory. - Due Diligence
We conduct ESG due diligence to identify and address sustainability-related risks in our business operations and acquisitions. - Whistleblower
We offer a whistleblower process, encouraging the reporting of ethical concerns and ensuring protection for those who come forward.
Igniting Sustainable Innovation
By collaborating with our channel partners, we aim to foster an ecosystem where sustainability is valued and embraced, encouraging our customers to explore new business opportunities and meet the increasing market demand for innovative products and solutions.
Together, let's shape a greener future and unlock the potential of sustainable innovation.