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Enable technologies,
build business

Delivering IoT solutions with Ecosystem partners

ALSO is 100% commitment to build the IoT business with channel partners helping them to deliver and deploy solutions to end-customers.

Get in touch

IoT Platform

IoT Connectivity

IoT Devices and Applications

Solutions by industry

Partner+ Program



Enable technologies, building business

Our mission is to enable resellers, integrators and service providers to deliver end-customer solutions based on a broad portfolio of technology partners.

  • Hardware device builders
  • Connectivity providers
  • Application developers
  • ALSO IoT Platform

IoT Solution Domains

Delivering business value across industries

The Internet of Things (IoT) is a set of technologies allowing to connect billions of devices to the internet to deliver value. For business as well as for society.

It is not so much about the “Things” themselves as it is about the data those things generate and what you can do with it.

From CO2 sensors in your office to tracking vehicles for fleet management or connected manufacturing machines enabling predictive maintenance, IoT applies to pretty much any industry you can think of.

Facility Management

Track and Trace

Secure transport of goods via trolley


Industry 4.0

And many more…


For partners and customers

Channel Partner

ALSO builds a portfolio of IoT technologies (sensors, networks and applications) and integrates them in the ALSO IoT Platform AllThingsTalk so you as our channel partner, can:

  • Help your customers deploy IoT solutions
  • Offer a broad portfolio of devices and connectivity services
  • Become a one stop shop for IoT solutions
  • And over time use the IoT platform AllThingsTalk under your own brand to create and market your own portfolio of IoT technologies

Hardware vendor

As a device manufacturer, ALSO helps you expand your opportunities while delivering the tools for easy deployment of your devices.

  • Expand market reach through ALSO channel partners.
  • Availability on ALSO Webshop with fast delivery
  • 1-click roll-out of your devices to all channel partners.
  • Technical and Go-To-Market support

End Customer

The right solutions with the right partners for your IoT deployments.

  • Choose from a large portfolio of devices to suit your needs.
  • Find the right partner to help you integrate IoT in your business.
  • Get started quickly with ALSO IoT Platform while ensuring a fully scalable solution.
  • Deploy new devices in minutes


AllThingsTalk i the IoT platform developed by IoT team within ALSO Group. The team also builds the IoT portfolio of products and services and supports the ALSO sales organisations in the different geographies where ALSO is present to market the IoT platform and portfolio of IoT hardware, connectivity and applications. 

The AllThingsTalk IoT platform is the one of the key components in building the ALSO IoT ecosystem. 


The IoT topic is its interesting as it is overwhelming. The high potential for growth entices resellers, but it’s easy to get lost in the confusing terminology.

To help as you as best you can, we’ve put together a dedicated resource hub which includes a number of quick-start guides, a learning centre, and a blog that covers important topics. 

Expand your IoT knowledge

Get in touch

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