Everything you should know about BaaS

Traditional methods of data backup are becoming less popular. This is due to many factors, which we explain in this article. Learn more about what backup as a service (Baas) is and why many companies decide to go for it.

What is backup as a service?

First of all, it’s essential to understand the difference between BaaS and online backup. When it comes to online backup, a company simply uses the cloud to store backups. Backup as a service, on the other hand, is an entire solution run on behalf of the customer and it’s the provider who is responsible for managing the backup operations.

Backup as a service (BaaS) is an off-site data storage method in which data is regularly backed up to a secure data repository in the cloud. You can think of it as a modern alternative to traditional methods of data backups. Instead of in-house data backups, businesses decide to purchase the online backup service from a backup as a service provider who manages systems connected to a private, public, or hybrid cloud.

How does BaaS work?

The backup as a service provider stores data in large data centres that are adequately protected even against natural disasters. These types of solutions work great for businesses that do not have the resources or simply don’t want to develop an internal IT infrastructure. It also enables the access to stored data from anywhere, so it works perfectly for companies that choose to work remotely.

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Private, public, and hybrid clouds

A private cloud is a cloud computing resource used exclusively by a single company or organisation. It may physically be placed in an organisation’s local data centre or be hosted by a third-party service provider. It’s a perfect solution for customers who are particularly sensitive to data security issues.

A public cloud is the simplest model, where the backup as a service provider stores backups of customer data. In this case, the provider installs backup agents at customers sites.

A hybrid cloud is simply a combination of local resources and cloud services. The main advantage of this solution is the rapid creation of backups locally, and only in the next step sending them to the cloud.

Benefits of Backup as a Service

BaaS is becoming easier to use and this is because providers are constantly improving their services to simplify the day-to-day management and eventual restoration of data. It only takes a few clicks to find backed up data and restore it quickly. BaaS also offers automation of data backup, which can be performed at specific intervals (e.g. daily or weekly).

Backup as a service is also simpler and, in many cases, less expensive than traditional methods. Many providers offer dynamic prices, so you only pay for as much as you need. It’s certainly also less time-consuming because you don’t need to take care of on-site backups, and can instead focus on other, more profitable projects. The provider will take care of everything and make sure that the data is always safe and protected.

BaaS allows access from anywhere and at any time. Data stored in the cloud is available whenever it is needed (the only thing you need is an Internet connection).

Thanks to BaaS, all backups are stored in a different location than the original data. This helps to secure the backups from unexpected events (e.g. a fire). So, storing data in the cloud keeps it safe, no matter what happens in the office.

How to choose the right backup as a service provider?

If you want to choose the solution suitable for your needs, there are several criteria that should be taken into account.

  • Recovery time objective (RTO): Ideally, RTO parameters should be shorter than previously achieved in your company. Modern technologies allow you to restore data even within minutes.
  • Automation: After the initial configuration, data should be transferred to the cloud without the administrator’s intervention, according to the established schedule.
  • Testability: You should be able to test your restore procedures. The effectiveness of a backup system doesn’t just depend on a successful backup, but more importantly on the ability to restore.

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