Pelniet Bonus Club punktus pērkot Lenovo 14" un 15" ThinkBook ar Intel procesoru un ThinkPad E-sērijas produktus.
Veiciet akcijas produktu pirkumus ALSO e-veikalā līdz 31. janvāris un sapelniet sev lieliskas dāvanas. Jo vairāk produktu nopirksiet, jo vairāk punktus sapelnīsiet. Izmantojiet savus nopelnītos punktus Bonus Club dāvanu veikalā uzreiz vai varat tos turpināt uzkrāt, lai izvēlētos lielākas dāvanas.
- ALSO patur tiesības mainīt akcijas nosacījumus
- Akcijas laiks līdz 31. janvāris vai kamēr punkti ir pieejami
- Bonus Club punkti tiek piešķirti tikai par ALSO e-veikalā veiktajiem pirkumiem.
Free Upgrade to Windows 11* when available.
*The Windows 11 upgrade will be delivered to qualifying devices in late 2021 to 2022. Timing varies by device. Certain features require specific hardware (see aka.ms/windows11-spec).
Device comes with Windows 10 and a free Windows 11 upgrade or may be preloaded with Windows 11.
Windows 11 Pro on Modern Devices
Windows 11 Pro powers the world’s largest selection of business devices, so employees can work on the device that’s right for them – making work more satisfying and productive. Using innovations in voice, touch and pen, Windows 11 Pro easily accommodates different working styles. It also offers better performance across device configurations, due to its new minimum system requirements. And with the widest range of OEMs supporting Windows 11 Pro, and the broadest ecosystem of silicon options, your entire organisation benefits from continuing advances in hardware and technology.