Is cloud gaming the future?

Cloud gaming are big opportunities for businesses of all sizes

The rapid development of cloud gaming is hard to keep up with. The numbers we present in the article below speak for themselves. Cloud gaming is the future. Will it be able to compete with 'stationary’ players such as Microsoft’s Xbox, which is enjoying unflagging popularity? Or maybe cloud gaming does not mean displacing traditional consoles or gaming PCs? Maybe these two types of gaming experiences can complement each other or reach completely different end users? We will try to answer these and many other questions in this article.

Cloud gaming vs traditional experience

Many sources claim that cloud gaming will completely change the way we play. However, David Pavón, Global Commercial & Content Director at Ludium Lab, ALSO’s online gaming provider, says that cloud gaming does not mean that in a few years gamers will stop using PlayStation or Xbox. He looks at the cloud solution rather as a complement to traditional gaming although it should be a standard on gaming consumption in the near future:

  • The experience we deliver to gamers on Sora Stream is similar, in terms of graphics or latency, to that offered by consoles. Although the current gamer profile looks a bit different, as cloud gaming is primarily interested in casual or family gamers, I am sure that this will change significantly in a few years. More and more gamers will be using cloud gaming. However, this does not mean that they will abandon PCs or consoles. The two experiences will complement each other.

This can be compared to a situation in which a coffee connoisseur has an incredibly good coffee machine at home. However, they still occasionally buy coffee from the bar that is located near their office. Both experiences are different and make sense in different situations. Even when a gamer has a console, they can continue playing on a smartphone while away from home.

Cloud games are in other words games on demand or games as a service (GaaS). Users do not (as is the case with classic games) have to install files; instead, all game content is streamed to the device. So after the huge success of e-books, podcasts, music and movies on demand, is it high time for games?

Main advantages of cloud gaming are that users can play AAA games from anywhere and on any device (Mobile, TV, PC..) without the need to invest in expensive hardware. That means an important democratization of gaming.

Cloud gaming market

Newzoo, a game market research firm, predicts that the cloud gaming market will be worth billions of dollars. Interestingly, back in 2020, the value was $633 million, and in 2023 it is expected to exceed $5 billion and close to $6,5 in 2024 with 60 M users in the world.

Important technologies whose development has a positive impact on the future of cloud gaming are edge computing and 5G, which will help avoid latency and disruption. Also, the pandemic period has proven to bring many benefits to the development of the cloud gaming market. This is because gamers appreciated the possibility of instant access to interesting and new titles, without having to leave home.

Many sources also argue that the continued growth of cloud gaming and the global success of the industry will be determined by the availability of games to the end user and the ability of companies to attract new players. Fortunately, more and more internet providers, communication services and even hotels are appreciating the benefits of cloud gaming.

Cloud gaming: Big opportunities for businesses of all sizes

Cloud gaming is not only a great and relatively cheap form of entertainment for gamers. It is also a sea of advantages and new opportunities for companies in various industries. We can include telcos, hospitality industry, entertainment platforms and much more.

Telecom operators need to recognize the advantages of cloud gaming as soon as possible and exploit its potential to remain competitive. Offering a cloud gaming service along with 5G is a great way to attract gamers and new generations. It is also worth remembering that cloud gaming is one of the best ways to leverage 5G capabilities and present them to end users.

It is also easy to imagine how hotels can benefit from cloud gaming platforms. Investing in consoles for every hotel room is too high a cost for the vast majority of hoteliers. However, a fixed, convenient monthly fee for using a cloud gaming platform is a great way to save a lot of money and give guests great entertainment.

Last but not least, cloud-based gaming platforms provide a great opportunity for video game publishers to bring back their vintage, seemingly “forgotten” titles.

ALSO cloud-gaming platform: Sora Stream

ALSO is offering a cloud gaming platform, flexible and adaptable for vendors, resellers, retailers, e-tailers and service providers.

Sora Stream, as the platform is called, offers many different types of games in an all-you-can-play package (no hidden costs). Resellers or service providers can customise the platform with their own logo, colours etc. and then offer it to their customers. All they have to do is take care of the communication and customer base, and Sora Stream will do the rest!

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