Leading the Way to a Futureproof Business op 10th of September 2024

KAS BV, Wandeldijk 32, 2050 Antwerpen

  1. Go to Deals & Discoveries

Take your business to the next level

With rapidly changing markets and the needs that come with them, it's hard to keep up with what's going on. The breakneck pace of developments such as AI platforms, hybrid working and energy transitions contribute to this and we want to help you take the next steps. At the ALSO Spotlight event we will give you insights into future market developments and take you through ALSO's vision to get the most out of your business. Discover solutions and engage with professionals during our interactive sessions.

This event is all about productivity. Specifically, how to be productive with our ways of meeting online, our energy and how to boost this in combination with IoT solutions.

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Location of the event:

Wandeldijk 32
2050 Antwerpen


Don‘t miss any topic and plan your

ALSO Spotlight Event:

Tijd Titel Spreker

16:30 - 18:00Welcome & Drinks
18:00 - 18:15 Leading the way to a futureproof business ALSO
18:15 - 19:15 Keynote
19:15 - 22:00 Networking & Diner

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