AllThingsTalk IoT Platform

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Connect, Collect, Use & Share

Connect any device to any network, collect the data and use it in your solution.

The AllThingsTalk IoT platform enables MSP’s, customers and application developers to conveniently use sensor sourced data. In the blink of an eye, you’ll be able to extract, visualise and use the collected data. Just focus on using the data to deliver business value.


of technology partners

AllThingsTalk integrates and enables access to the devices, connectivity services and applications of the ALSO IoT partners (Grounds), or selected IoT partners (Private Spaces)

ALSO identifies and contracts a relevant portfolio of IoT technologies: hardware, connectivity and applications. AllThingsTalk integrates the technology partners‘ products and services for the convenience of channel partners and end customers.


of the IoT Platform

Use Grounds or Private Spaces to connect devices, collect the measured data, visualise and use the data in applications.

 GroundPrivate Spaces
Deployment Public Cloud Public Cloud
Device Connectivity & Management
Automation (rules)
Real-time Data Visualization with custom dashboards
Developer Tooling, including APIs,SDKs & documentation
Unlimited Users
Branded Platform UI  
Custom Domain Name  
Manage Device Catalogue  
  A subscription to an ALSO IoT Ground allows businesses to discover the power of IoT in the most convenient way
Ground subscribers have quick access to the ALSO catalogue of devices, connectivity services and applications of ALSO IoT technology partners
Different subscriptions models allow to discover and test as well rapidly scale the use of IoT devices and services
Ground subscribers benefit from continuous development of the IoT platform functionalities
ALSO offers partners and customers the opportunity to use the IoT platform AllThingsTalk (and all its functionality) under their brand: it’s called PRIVATE SPACES
Private Spaces subscribers can use their branded IoT platform to create their own catalogue of devices, connectivity and applications from their chosen business partners
Private Spaces can be subscribed and used by technology partners (device builders, network operators and application developers), channel partners (MSP’s) and end customers (ex. Smart Cities)


of Platform and functionalities

number 1

Device Management

  • Digital Twin
    (device representation)
  • Data aggregation
  • Data payload conversion
  • Data storage
  • Data sharing
  • Data debugging

number 2


  • Pinboards
    (Real-time data visualization with custom dashboards)
  • Sensor map
  • Geofence
  • Location history map

number 3


  • Rules
  • Watchdog
  • Notifications
  • Location services
  • Geo trigger

number 4

Device Connectivity

  • LoRaWAN
  • LTE-M/NB-IoT, 5G

number 5


  • MSFT Power BI
  • MSFT Power Automate/Power APPS
  • Node Red

number 6


  • P+ Tools (Device templating, activation codes, D-device types)
  • UI Branding & custom URL
  • API Management (100% API driven)

number 7

Technical Support

  • 5x8 Best effort

number 8

IoT Edge

  • Gateway MQTT, Modbus

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