seamcom ONE

seamcom ONE

Welcome to seamcom ONE, the ultimate IoT platform for seamless integration of wireless devices into modern business processes. With seamcom ONE, you can streamline your operations, increase efficiency and better protect your employees and customers.

Whether you are in retail, logistics, public sector or any other industry, seamcom ONE offers a customised solution tailored to your specific needs.

  • Real-time monitoring of devices and processes;
  • Intuitive dashboards for easy data visualisation;
  • Alerts on critical events;
  • Integration with other systems and applications;
  • Control actions directly from radios via voice recognition and messaging.

Thanks to innovative LoRaWAN technology combined with proven DMR or TETRA technology, we can ensure reliable connectivity and communication even in environments without Wi-Fi or cellular networks.

With seamcom ONE, you take centre stage. We offer you a user-friendly platform, fast deployment and uncomplicated integration into your existing infrastructure. Our experienced team is always ready to support you in optimising your business processes.

With seamcom ONE, you can link existing communication solutions. You keep what you have and add what you need.


Want to learn more about seamcom ONE and find out how you can make your business processes more effective? Contact us today!

Marco and Henk will be happy to help you.

Photo of Marco Reinke
Marco Reinke Solutions Architect Germany +49 541 77064 8142 +49 151 11866820
Photo of Henk Stoel
Henk Stoel Solutions Architect Netherlands +31 6 23576685


seamcom ONE uses

  • the IoT-Plattform from the ALSO-Group (subscription)
  • the SEAMCOM Edge Gateway
  • the LoRaWAN-Gateway
  • LoRaWan and radio equipment

The intelligence is in the platform (ALSO)
The gateways make it complete and alive.

seamcom ONE can interface with all Motorola Solutions systems.

