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Lenovo Intelligent Device Group (IDG)

Photo of Martin Schmuderer
Martin Schmuderer Regional Lead DACH Lenovo IDG +49 9421 93 3110 Lenovo-DE@also.com
Photo of Elke Meier
Elke Meier European Product Manager IDG +49 9421 93 3110 Lenovo-DE@also.com
Photo of Hermann Limmer
Hermann Limmer European Product Manager IDG +49 9421 93 3110 Lenovo-DE@also.com
Photo of Kerstin Ganghofner
Kerstin Ganghofner Product Manager IDG +49 9421 93 3110 Lenovo-DE@also.com
Photo of Claudia Boese
Claudia Boese Focus Sales Manager IDG +49 9421 93 3110 Lenovo-DE@also.com
Photo of Xavier Siebert
Xavier Siebert Focus Sales Manager IDG +49 9421 93 3110 Lenovo-DE@also.com
Photo of Sabrina Lange
Sabrina Lange Inside Sales Manager +49 9421 93 3110 Lenovo-DE@also.com
Photo of Mario Prehn
Mario Prehn Focus Sales Manager +49 9421 93 3110 Lenovo-DE@also.com
Photo of Marianne Beyer
Marianne Beyer Logistic Agent IDG +49 9421 93 3110 Lenovo-DE@also.com

Lenovo Infrastructure Solutions Group (ISG)

Photo of Markus Wummel
Markus Wummel Team Leader Datacenter +49 9421 93 3152 Markus.Wummel@also.com
Photo of Bianca Toffel
Bianca Toffel Product Manager ISG +49 2921 99 2391 Bianca.Toffel@also.com
Photo of Jennifer Wiesbeck
Jennifer Wiesbeck Product Manager ISG Jennifer.Wiesbeck@also.com
Photo of Elke Burckhardt
Elke Burckhardt Focus Sales Manager ISG +49 9421 93 3778 Elke.Burckhardt@also.com
Photo of Ephraim Beck
Ephraim Beck Focus Sales Manager ISG +49 9421 93 3159 Ephraim.Beck@also.com
Photo of Ermir Kafazi
Ermir Kafazi Focus Sales Manager ISG Ermir.Kafazi@also.com
Photo of Tomáš Strnátko
Tomáš Strnátko Focus Sales Manager ISG +49 9421 93 3154 tomas.strnatko@also.com
Photo of Björn Bartmann
Björn Bartmann Technical Consultant ISG +49 9421 93 3785 Bjoern.Bartmann@also.com
Photo of Julia Weber
Julia Weber Focus Sales Manager IDG Julia.Weber@also.com

Lenovo Marketing

Photo of Patrick Kalks
Patrick Kalks Marketing Consultant Lenovo DACH +49 2921 99 2524 Patrick.Kalks@also.com