3.02.2017 - Tallinn
Meediateade: ALSO omandas Soome distribuutori Internet Smartsec
ALSO Holding omandas Internet Smartsec‘i, mis on Soome kõrge tasemega turvalisuse ja võrgu toodete importija ja distribuutor. 2016. aastal oli Internet Smartsec‘i käive 4.5 miljonit eutor, mis oli 61% kasv võrreldes eelneva aastaga. Osapooled on kokku leppinud, et tehingu summasid ei avalikustata.
Internet Smartsec‘i portfoolio hõlmab turvalisi e-kaubanduse lahendusi, VPN ruutereid, kasutaja identifitseerimise vahendeid, kiipkaarte, krüpteerimistarkvara, IDS‘e ja filtreid, samuti erinevaid tulemüüriseadmeid. Ettevõte pakub konsultatsioone ja koolitusi andmete turvalisuse ning võrguühenduste teemal. Ettevõttes on 11 töötajat.
“The expertise and product portfolio of Internet Smartsec perfectly complement our range of solutions. Now we can support the growth of our customers by offering them more extensive expertise and a wider product portfolio in the growing network and security market, which will serve as an important basis for the Internet of Things. In leveraging Internet Smartsec offers on a European scale, we will be in a position to expand our Solution and Service business,” said Gustavo Möller-Hergt, CEO of ALSO.
“As a leading company in Europe, ALSO provides us with broad access to international markets. We are delighted to become part of the ALSO Group and offer a more comprehensive range of products and services to our customers. I am confident that Smartsec’s customer-oriented approach combined with its deep technical expertise will be a strong added value in the future,” said Tom Mickelsson, Partner at Internet Smartsec.
Otselink pressiteatele on SIIN.
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