22.12.2020 - Tallinn

Pressiteade: ALSO Cloud Marketplace laieneb Tsehhi omandades sealse Microsofti eksperdi Daquas

The new normal has accelerated the shift to remote communication and access. ALSO supports customers in the necessary transition through its Cloud Marketplace Platform (ACMP) and the adoption of the consumptional business model. The acquisition of Czech Microsoft expert Daquas, adds valuable expertise in this area to the Group. At the same time, it spurs on the growth trajectory in Eastern Europe.

Daquas as a Value Add Distributor with a revenue of about 16 million Euros, is one of the top Cloud Solution Providers (CSP) for Microsoft. Building on the knowledge acquired since its foundation in 1991, the company is also consulting in Software Asset Management (SAM), IT Asset Management (ITAM) and software licensing transformation to cloud strategy. They are utilizing a partner network to gain reach and traction.

The Czech Republic is one of the biggest markets in Eastern Europe with a potential of roughly

3 million seats. Daquas’ unique expertise will enable ALSO to accelerate the exploitation of the overall 150 million of potential seats in Europe and to monetize the total addressable market of roughly 300 billion Euros. PAAS partners worldwide will also benefit from this knowledge.

“The acquisition underlines our growth strategy in the consumptional business. Not only will the experiences of the company be valuable during the roll out and expansion of the ALSO Cloud Marketplace in the Czech Republic, they also come with an expert knowledge in licensing and will contribute to the further increase of profitability on a Group level” says Jan Bogdanovich, SVP Consumptional Business at ALSO Holding AG (SIX:ALSN).

Direct link to media release: https://www2.also.com/press/20201222en.pdf


Teie kontakt kõikideks meediapäringuteks:

Martina Ascoli

Beate Flamm
+49 151 61266047