Apr 6, 2020 - Nieuwegein

Fast forward: digital fair Channel Trends+Visions is rolled out internationally

Europe is switching off? Quite the contrary! After the full success of the digital CTV in the DACH region the event is now spread even further.

Later this month, on April 28, the event will take place in all other of the 20 ALSO countries: France, the Netherlands and Belgium, the four Scandinavian countries, Poland, the Baltics including the Ukraine and Belarus, Bulgaria, Romania, Croatia, Slovakia, Slovenia, the Czech Republic and Hungary.

Due to the digitalization of the event the number of visitors in Germany, Switzerland and Austria was significantly higher than at former fairs. What is more, users found the visit to be very worthwhile, because they were able to follow each topic they were interested in, due to the recording of all the presentations. This showed in intensity of usage, too: each one of the more than 6.000 visitors participated in about 5 presentations or webinars, overall much more than 100.000 clicks were registered.

Gustavo Möller-Hergt, CEO of ALSO: «The positive feedback of our visitors, whether on the digital notice board or in the personal discussions our employees had with the visitors as a follow-up, has convinced us to make the format available to our customers in all ALSO countries.»

At the international fairs, resellers can expect a variety of interesting presentations and webinars. Numerous vendors will participate. Starting April 8, interested resellers can register for their cost-free fair visit on the respective country website.


Your contact for all media inquiries:

Beate Flamm
+49 151 61266047